IP 4.3in PoE touch screen 8M neutral


Brand: Vimar
Product Code: 01420.BN
Industry: Automotive, Marine

Touch screen with 4.3” IP capacitive colour display, used as a home automation system supervisor, IP/Due Fili Plus internal video entryphone, IP video camera and CCTV system manager, power supply PoE or 12-30 Vdc, with built-in 8 (4+4)-module mounting frame, to be completed with Eikon, Arké or Plana cover plate, neutral


Weight .4322 kg


Overall Dimensions

21.7 x 22.1 x 8.3 CM


Architecture, Automotive, Marine



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IP 4.3in PoE touch screen 8M neutral Technical Datasheet
Download IP 4.3in PoE touch screen 8M neutral Technical Datasheet