Home/Products/NMEA 2000/0183 Products/NMEA 2000 Products/The CAN2CAN (Engine data gateway) converts your J1939 engine data to the standard NMEA2000 network. The information can be monitored on the LXNAV E-series or any NMEA2000 display device

The CAN2CAN (Engine data gateway) converts your J1939 engine data to the standard NMEA2000 network. The information can be monitored on the LXNAV E-series or any NMEA2000 display device


Brand: LXNAV
Product Code: CAN2CAN
Industry: Automotive, Marine

The CAN2CAN (Engine data gateway) converts your J1939 engine data to the standard NMEA2000 network. The information can be monitored on the LXNAV E-series or any NMEA2000 display device

Availability: 2 in stock


The gateway converts automatically the J1939 engine information to the NMEA2000 network and displays the engine parameters on the LXNAV E-series or any compatible chartplotter.

  • Convert engine information.
  • Small, compact, efficient.
  • Low costs installation.
  • Galvanic isolation.


  • Engine speed
  • Engine oil pressure
  • Engine oil temperature
  • Engine coolant temperature
  • Engine boost pressure
  • Engine coolant pressure
  • Percent engine load
  • Total engine hours
  • Fuel rate
  • Fuel pressure
  • Fluid level
  • Outside ambient air temp.
  • Transmission oil pressure
  • Transmission oil temp.
  • Percent Engine Torque
  • Alternator potential
  • Battery voltage


  • Engine emergency stop
  • Check engine
  • High boost pressure
  • Over temperature
  • Water in fuel indicator
  • Low oil level
  • Low oil pressure
  • Low system voltage
  • Low coolant level
  • Low fuel pressure


Weight .06 kg



Automotive, Marine



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The CAN2CAN (Engine data gateway) converts your J1939 engine data to the standard NMEA2000 network. The information can be monitored on the LXNAV E-series or any NMEA2000 display device Technical Datasheet
Download The CAN2CAN (Engine data gateway) converts your J1939 engine data to the standard NMEA2000 network. The information can be monitored on the LXNAV E-series or any NMEA2000 display device Technical Datasheet
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