By-me Plus Multisensor for Linea’s XT platform
With Vimar, technology caters to the needs of well-being and sustainability…

A product thanks to which Vimar once again embraces state-of-the-art technology to cater to the needs of people and of the environment, to boost the degree of well-being and reduce energy consumption in buildings: introducing the By-me Plus multisensor for Linea’s XT platform.

The quality of the air we breathe every day where we live and work is essential to our well-being. With this product, Vimar has come to our aid yet again. It is distinguished by 4 built-in sensors and a LED matrix to measure, view and control a variety of environmental parameters: room temperature and external temperature (thermostat function), relative humidity (humidistat function), air quality via VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) and proximity sensor.
The thermostat function therefore manages the temperature control in systems with 2 and/or 4 pipes, radiant panels, radiators or fan coils, as well as VRV (Variable Refrigerant Volume) systems via dedicated KNX gateways; it implements the “boost” function, which activates a second source to achieve the desired level of thermal comfort more quickly and for mid season management. The humidistat function can be used to view the relative humidity of the environment and to activate the dehumidification function if a set threshold is exceeded. By combining the temperature and environmental humidity values, the device is capable of calculating the dewpoint and of preventing the formation of condensation.

The VOC sensor (volatile organic compounds) is used to measure variations in air quality, which are represented clearly and efficiently in the form of a LED matrix. Lastly, the proximity sensor is used to activate data display simply by approaching the device.
In addition to managing environmental parameters, the multisensor can be programmed for other functions, such as viewing alarms or controlling lights, roller shutters, audio and scenarios, with the ability to customise the central icon with a wide variety of symbols or letters/numbers on the generously-sized LED matrix.
What’s more, the device can be installed on the front of the dedicated mounting frame in combination with a Linea control or in the home automation system as a thermostat offering advanced functions. Offering state-of-the-art technology paired with impeccable design, the multisensor is available in three variants: in white, black and canvas, thus discretely adapting to any setting, imbuing it with personality.
Please contact the sales team for further details or a demo.